Traveling Moravia Cities Brno Regions

Where to go in Brno with children

If you come to Brno with children, you probably wonder how to entertain them. Here is a list of places to go and things to do.Whether it’s summer or winter, there’s always lots to do for kids in Brno. We’ve divided the entertainment options into several groups. You’ll see a short description, the street and house number or a way to get there and a link to more info.

Indoor playgrounds

Outdoor playgrounds

  • Here’s a list of the outdoor playgrounds in Brno.
  • One place we want to point out is the playground behind Olympia shopping mall right outside of Brno (you can get there by bus nr. 49 or free Olympia bus from several stops in Brno). It is a large playground with lots of options, a climbing wall and a small train for the children.

Children’s Cafés

Children’s cafés are very popular in Czechia. They are cafés adapted to smaller children as for their equipment and menu. Many of them have not only toys, small tables and chairs and staff used to children running around but also baby swings, seats or even cribs. Brno has a lot of cafés for children, we are sure we didn’t cover all of them but here are some really good ones.

  • Kids Café Brno – in the very center, suitable for smaller children. Masarykova 25. More info:
  • Mezi stromy – very quiet café in the center, ideal if you have a very young baby, even the light is not very bright. Somewhat atypical menu since this is more of a children’s teahouse. Josefská 1. More info:
  • Rossa café – variety of desserts, city quarter Líšeň. Zikova 34. More info:
  • Mama Kafe – unusual café with toys only is few colors. Úvoz 21. More info:
  • Hlídka – part of an ecology education center. Hlídka 4. More info:

Cafés and restaurants with toys

Nature and outdoors

  • Prygl – Prygl is the local name of the water reservoire called Brněnská přehrada. It’s the “lake” in the quarter Bystrc at the end stop of tram nr. 1. You can swim here in summer, ice skate in winter and also take a cruise on a steamboat. Prygl hosts the annual firework festival called Ignis Brunensis and every October the Vokolo Pryglu run. You can take a beatiful walk around the reservoire. More info:
  • Zoo – Brno ZOO is located on a hill in the city quarter Bystrc, it offers not only a glimpse on animals like giraffes, ice bears, tigers or penguins but also a beautiful walk in the nature. Several educative stations for children. Just take tram nr. 1 and get off on the stop Bystrc, ZOO. From there the arrows and shields will lead you to the zoo on U Zoologické zahrady 46. More info:
  • Lama centrum – There’s a llama center in the city! It’s on a hill called Hády and your walk up will be rewarded with beautiful views of the city as well as a possibility to spend hours in a large garden with sheep, rabbits, goats and of course – llamas. Check the web for opening days/hours. Maloměřice quarter (here’s how to get there). More info:
  • Botanical garden – Greenhouses as well as outdoor collections with thousands of species. Kotlářská 2. More info:
  • Papilonia – World of butterflies in the very heart of Brno. Panská 6. More info:
  • Obora Holedná – Natural reservation/forrest with fallow deers and other animals at the outskirts of Brno in Brno-Žebětín. Here’s how to get there.
  • Wilsonův les – large forrest in the city quarter Žabovřesky
  • Akátky – forrest between the city quarters Židenice and Vinohrady. Hiking routes and playgrounds.
  • Lužánky – large park with several thematic playgrounds and nice resting areas, ideal for a picnic. Accessible for example from the tram stops Antonínská and Pionýrská.
  • Kraví hora – recreational area in the city quarter of the same name, ideal for picnics.
  • Jižanský dvorek – small park with several animals, next to the natural bathing area Biotop, in winter an ice-skating ring. Dufkovo nábřeží 486
  • Otevřená zahrada – educational garden very close to the city center. Beds with herbs and flowers, animal stables and an interactive water area are only few of the things to enjoy here. Cafeteria included. Údolní 33. Más información:
  • Moravské náměstí – the central square offers a huge children’s swimming pool (free access) in summer and a skating rink in winter.


brno children


Where to Stay in Brno with Children

HERE is a list of accommodation in Brno suitable for families with children.

Or, if you just want to browse and choose a location, here’s an interactive map

Did you find our list of places to go with children in Brno helpful? Let us know if there’s a place that deserves to be here!

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