October is the month of transition into autumn and preparation for winter. Let’s have a look at some of the (not only) folkloric traditions.
Golden Bull of Sicily
September 26, 1212 was the day when the Golden Bull of Sicily was issued and the royal title of King of Bohemia became hereditary.
Czech Indian Summer, its seasons and symbols
September brings the Indian summer which can stretch well into October. Read on to learn about its seasons and symbols.
Czech Blueprint and designing it at home
I’d been wanting to make blueprint at home and this summer I finally got to do it!
Czech First Republic Actors and Actresses
These Czech actors and actresses were stars during the period of First Republic.
Czech Folkloric Traditions in August
August was traditionally another month of hard work on the field but that doesn’t mean that there would be no time for traditions. Here are some of the Czech folkloric traditions in August.
Vampire Dens in Czech Republic
Are you a fan of the Twilight Saga, Bram Stoker’s Dracula or just like scary places? Take a look at these “vampire dens” in the Czech Republic!
Kateřina Englichová, the Harp Diva
Did you know that Czech Republic has its own world renown harpist? Her name is Kateřina Englichová.
St. John’s Eve (Svatojánská noc) and Its Magic
The night before June 24 was believed to have magical powers and people tried to harvest all the magic the St. John’s Eve (Svatojánská noc) could offer.
Letnice, Pentecost and Czech Folkloric Traditions
Pentecost isn’t exclusively Czech but there are some interesting folkloric traditions connected with the festival called Letnice in Czech.