July 2nd is the World UFO day which is why I would like to tell you about the unidentified flying objects in the Czech Republic.
20 facts you (maybe) didn’t know about Czech Republic
Here are 20 facts that you maybe didn’t know about the Czech Republic.
Silly Walk Day Brno 2024
Czech humor is quite similar to the British one, so it comes as no surprise that Monty Python’s International Silly Walk Day is so popular in the Czech Republic. This was the Silly Walk Day in Brno in 2024.
Silly Walk Brno
Traditional silly walk in Brno on the International Silly Walk Day.
Czech Humor – How to Enjoy and Survive It
Czech humor is limitless. Czechs laugh at anything and like there’s no tomorrow. Their unique and often ironic sense of humor helped them survive very dark periods of their history. So come and have a peak, learn some typical jokes and maybe understand the humorous side of Czech nature. But be warned, this is not …
Where the Czech Flag Came From
A white band over a red band and a blue triangle. The Czech flag is simple and easy to remember. But where did it come from? Who’s the author? Why these colors? And do you know which flag the Czech one resembles?
What Not to Say to a Czech Person
“Different country, different customs” – this applies anywhere you go. Whilst some faux-pas can be just some cute misunderstandings, others can lead to eternal wrath of the indigenous. And to avoid that wrath in the Czech Republic you should definitely read about the things you are NOT to say to a Czech person.
Czech Republic’s Most – Czech Records
What’s the highest mountain or the largest city of the Czech Republic or the most elevated castle? Where is the oldest monastery that still serves its purpose and where can you find the tallest Czech building? Discover these Czech “Most” with us!
Asteroid hits Czech Republic in NASA simulation
At the end of April NASA performed a 4-day exercise to rehearse a reaction to a hypothetical asteroid hit. Guess the place of the strongest impact of the asteroid – Czech Republic.
Rare Czech Musical Instruments
If you read our blog regularly, you know that “every Czech is a musician“. The musical literacy in Czech Republic is impressive and it is very common to play at least one musical instruments. And not just piano or guitar, there are some very rare and unusual Czech musical instruments that you’ve probably never heard …