Czech Republic is a small country and it comes as no surprise that many people don’t know much or even anything about it. Some are surprised to see how modern this country is, others are surprised by the mere fact that this country exists. Here are some misconceptions about the Czech republic, some are common, …
How to say … in Czech
How do you greet in Czech, how do you congratulate, ask for help and how to say those things that make all the difference when said in the language of the locals. Here are a few phrases that can make your stay in the Czech Republic easier.
Freemasons in Czech Republic
Freemasonry has a rich past and an active present in this country. Here are some interesting facts about the freemasons and their symbols in public places in Czech Republic.
Most Common Czech Baby Names
Do you wonder what the most common Czech Baby names are? Luckily, the Czech Statistical Office has been keeping track of the baby names for quite a few years so we can give you an exact answer! Read on!
Czech Dog Breeds
The Czech Republic and its predecessors gave the world of cynology several interesting breeds and you might even know some. Let’s meet the Czech dog breeds.
Frequently Asked Questions – Czechia FAQ
If you’re planning a trip to Czechia, you might be interested in our FAQ.
Famous Czech Brands and Products
Czech Republic is the home of famous brands and products that we’re sure you know.
5 Reasons to Visit Czech Republic
Are you considering a visit to Czech Republic but you’re not completely decided yet? Here are 5 reasons why you should definitely plan your travel to the heart of Europe.
Czech Republic or Czechia?
What is the official and correct name of the country in the very heart of Europe? Do we call it just Czechia or should we talk about the Czech republic?
3 sayings about Czech people explained
Czechs have a lot of sayings and some about themselves. Here are 3 of them and we will not only explain what they mean but also where they come from.