Lokše are a simple Czech potato-based side dish from the countryside. Delicious and easy to make.
Czech Sourdough Rye Bread
I think Sourdough Rye Bread is the ultimate recipe of homesteading. It’s a common type of bread in the Czech Republic, often found at traditional bakeries and farmers’ markets. This is my recipe.
How to Make Bread Sourdough
Sourdough is the starter for various types of bread. It is very easy to make, so just follow the recipe to make this key bread ingredient!
Potato Bread from Krkonoše
The beautiful and tough area of Krkonoše mountains gave origin to the delicious rye-potato bread. Here is a traditional recipe for you so you can have a piece of traditional Bohemian cuisine at home.
Czech Wheat Rye Bread (Pšenično-žitný chléb)
Czech Wheat Rye Bread (žitný chléb or žitný chleba) is a traditional type of bread that for many Czechs tastes like home. It is often the food Czech expats miss the most. Today, I’d like to share with you my recipe that leads to delicious bread with crunchy crust every time.
Rohlíky are a very iconic type of bread in the Czech Republic. They are basically short and curved rolls made from plain flour. And they are delicious, of course, so here’s the recipe!
Loupáčky – Czech Poppy Seed Rolls
Loupáčky, also known as loupáky or makovky, are lightly sweet Czech pasrty. Make some delicious poppy seed rolls for breakfast or snack with this traditional recipe. You can eat them with butter, jam, dipped in tea or just like that without anything.
Czech open sandwiches Chlebíčky are the star of any party
Chlebíčky are Czech open sandwiches and legendary party food.
Vánočka, the amazing Christmas pastry
Vánočka is a typical Czech pastry traditionally made at Christmas. It’s similar to the Spanish mona, the German Stollen or the French brioche, although Vánočka is even better. It is rich in butter and eggs, lightly sweet and if you make it right, it smells and tastes fresh for two or three days (if it lasts …