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UFO in Czech Republic

July 2nd is the World UFO day which is why I would like to tell you about the unidentified flying objects in the Czech Republic.

The World UFO day is observed by believers seeking the truth to raise awareness of life beyond planet Earth. There haven’t been too many UFO sightings in the Czech Republic, or at least not many that would make it to the regional or national news. Let’s look at those that are a bit more known. There are around 150 sightings reported in the Czech Republic every year, most of them are explained rationally.

Before we begin, let me tell you that the objective of this article is to tell you about the brief history of the UFO in the Czech Republic, not to investigate where there’s life on other planets or to mock anybody’s beliefs.

UFO sightings in Czech Republic

Vranov nad Dyjí

Probably the most famous Czech UFO sighting took place in the Moravian town of Vranov nad Dyjí, more specifically, over the town’s water reservoir (popular holiday destination called Vranovská přehrada). It happened on July 12, 1987 at noon and the shores of the reservoir were crowded. The 51st helicopter regiment was ordered to follow the object which it did over Dukovany, then it went reportedly speed of sight to Brno, Jaslovské Bohunice and Bratislava (Slovakia) where the object increased it’s speed rapidly and disappeared from the radars.

One of the hypothesis was that the object was a western jet which was strictly refused by the helicopter pilots.

Czech Roswell

The Miličín municipality could be called the Czech Roswell. There have been so many UFO sightings since 1991 that the aliens and their aircrafts became a part of the local folklore. There are tiny aliens painted on public buildings and the town website mentions the history of these encounters. According to some contemporary witnesses, the flying object was an orange light ball which returned to the town in 2015. In 2018, the town was visited by members of the group called Projekt Záře (Lights Project) which is a network of investigators who have both open mind and critical thinking and their goal is to investigate these events objectively.

Autor: Milicin.eu – Vlastní dílo, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=43199168

Uherské Hradiště

A flying “energy ball” was spotted in 1990 near Uherské Hradiště. The ball was sucking in air and creating wind as it flew over the area.


It was the 21st and 22nd of August 1993, the anniversary of the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia, and the town of Borová witnessed several wingless flying object. What makes this sighting interesting is the fact that there were multiple objects seen by several people in different places.

Tři Sekery

The military radar registered a flying object over Germany on May 5, 1992, flying at over 200 km/h. This object then entered the Czech air space and stayed for approximately 45 minutes. It was spotted in the town of Tři Sekery in the district of Chomutov.

TV and literary sources

Czech TV made a documentary about different encounters and UFO sightings in the Czech Republic. The book Aliens in Bohemia (Mimozemšťané v Čechách) by Jitka Lenková and Ladislav Lenk reproduces the stories of several eye witnesses.

More than just a flying object

To some people, a UFO is not just an unidentified flying object. In fact, some people believe so much without ever having seen a UFO, that they joined cults revolving around aliens. For example, although the Raëlians don’t have an official representation in the country, there are reportedly six Czech Raëlians in contact with the Slovak branch of the cult.

And Czech Republic has its very own alien cult. It’s called Cosmic People of Light Powers (Vesmírní lidé sil světla) or simply Cosmic People (Vesmírní lidé) and members believe that aliens have been communicating telepathically with the cult founder Ivo A. Benda since 1997 and one day, their fleet will take the followers away led by the Cosmic People leader Aštar Šeran (Ashtar Sheran). In fact, the portrait of Aštar Šeran is quite famous in the Czech Republic:


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