caramel liquor
Recipes Gastronomy Christmas Other

Czech Rum-Caramel Liquor

Looking for an easy sweet drink for the Christmas holidays or New Year’s celebrations? Here’s the 2-ingredient Czech Rum-Caramel Liquor!

caramel liquor

Eggnog is probably the most traditional holiday drink (recipe here), however, not everyone’s a fan or wants to dedicate the time to making it. This Rum-Caramel Liquor calls for just two ingredients and because one of them is the traditional Czech rum made from potatoes, we can call it typically Czech I believe.

caramel liquorThe other ingredient is condensed milk. If you can purchase it already caramelized, making the liquor will be a question of minutes. If you get the regular one, the caramelization process will take about two hours but the good news is that you don’t need to be there during the whole time. You can also make condensed milk at home following this recipe, however, it’s added time and you need a good heatproof container for the caramelization and I think it’s just better to buy the condensed milk (even if not caramelized).

The caramelization process turns the condensed milk into dulce de leche which will give the drink its typical rich flavor and it’s up to you how much rum you mix in. We prefer stronger drink that we sip in tiny amounts throughout the night.

Regarding the rum, the Czech rum is what gives the rum-caramel liquor its typical scent but if you don’t have Czech rum (which, to be fair, isn’t real rum because it’s not made from cane), use any other rum.

If you’re looking for an alcohol-free version but with that scent of Czech rum, Czech stores usually offer rum aroma in small bottles. While aromas in alcohol are much better, for the alcohol-free version, make sure you’re purchasing aroma in oil. In this case, mix the condensed caramelized milk with regular milk and then add as much aroma as you want.

Caramel-Rum Liquor – Recipe


  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (400 g/14.1 oz) OR the same amount of caramelized condensed milk
  • 1 bottle of Czech rum (700 ml/23.7 fl oz)

If you have regular condensed milk that you’ll first have to caramelize, it’s essential that it’s in a sealed heatproof container, such as the canned condensed milk.

How to make Caramel-Rum Liquor

If you need to caramelize the condensed milk, place it in a saucepan or a pot so that it’s fully immersed in water and there’s plenty of water in order for the can to stay immersed during a 2-hour boil. Bring the water to a boil and let it boil for 2 hours.

Let the can cool down and place all the caramelized milk in a bowl. Add small portions of rum while whisking. This might be challenging at first but as you keep adding rum, it will get easier. You can also later use a blender to get rid of all the lumps but if you whisk for some time, there’s a good chance you’ll be left with only a very small amount of lumps at the bottom of the bowl that won’t spoil the drink.

As I mentioned before, you can absolutely adjust the rum-milk ratio to your taste.

Store the rum-caramel liquor in a bottle in a cold place and it also makes a beautiful gift!

caramel liquor

Na zdraví!

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