blue carp
Recipes Gastronomy Christmas Main courses

Blue Carp (Kapr na modro)

Kapr na modro or Blue Carp is a traditional (not only) Christmas recipe predating the fried carp that is so popular today.

blue carp

Why Blue Carp?

This way of preparation gained it’s name by the characteristic blue-ish color the fish turns when cooked in vinegar and maintaining the slime on the skin after the scales have been removed. In this respect, I have a bad and a good news for you. The bad news is that if you’re looking forward to a bright blue fish, you won’t get that. In fact, nowadays, you won’t get even a blue-toned fish at all. That is because the fish in stores usually don’t have any of the necessary slime and even if you buy fresh fish, it will have so many scales that the slime will get removed with the scales. Therefore, the best type of carp to use is the so-called kapr lysec/kapr obecný (common carp, cyprinus carpio). Even when you have the right carp with slime, the blue color won’t blow your mind.

blue carp

The good news is that whether your carp turns blue or not has no effect on the taste. And it’s a good tasting fish! Unlike fried carp, the blue carp tastes light and it’s a healthy way of preparation. If you don’t fancy fried fish for Christmas, I encourage you to try this one.

Even if you’re not skilled when it comes to preparing fish, this recipe will surprise you with how easy it it.

Blue Carp – Recipe

You’ll need

  • carp
  • vegetable broth
  • onions
  • root vegetables: carrots, parsley root, celery – I use what I have at home
  • salt
  • vinegar (I use about 3 cups per whole carp)
  • sugar (about 3 tbsp per carp)
  • herbs and spices: rosemary, bay leaf, allspice

How to prepare Blue Carp

Prepare strong vegetable broth or use dehydrated broth. Cook your vegetables in it, the fish will need only a short cooking time and the veggies wouldn’t cook. Don’t forget to add spices and herbs.

Meanwhile, boil the vinegar and stir in the sugar, salt the fish and let it rest for a couple of minutes. Place the carp in a boil and pour hot vinegar with sugar over it.

When the broth is ready, place the fish in it and you should also add the vinegar. I don’t do that, since I know the skin of my carp won’t turn blue anyway, I reserve the vinegar and everyone can then combine the broth and vinegar on their plate according to their taste. Boil the fish for 8 minutes over very low fire, the broth should simmer. You might need a little more time for the entire fish that’s not fileted but If you have filets, 8 minutes are definitely enough.

Place the cooked fish on a plate, add some of the cooked vegetables and pour some broth and vinegar over it. I add some broth and vinegar in separate bowls to the table and everyone can add one of them or both.

This dish is typically served with bread.

blue carp

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