Holidays Christmas & Advent Culture & Science

Support Czech Craftspeople from cancelled Christmas Markets!

Christmas markets all around the Czech Republic were cancelled out of nowhere on November 26. Without any prior notice, the vendors were left with their stands stocked up and told to pack up and leave. For many of them the Christmas markets is where they make their living for the upcoming months. Here’s how you can help them and purchase some traditional and also folkloric items.

The Czech government is known for releasing coronavirus-related restrictions that don’t make any sense but what came this past November 25 was something no one was expecting. First, emergency status was declared from midnight between November 25 and 26 following by the cancellation of all Christmas markets from 6 pm on November 26. The day before was the day when all the vendors stocked up the stands they have rented. Large amounts of money in the rent and material, hours of work and articles that have expiration dates and cannot be sold let’s say next Christmas. Curiously, farmers’ markets can open, people can attend a dance of 100 people or sit in a theatre for 3 hours next to 1000 other people. They can spend the whole day in a crowded supermarket but for some reason, the outdoors Christmas markets were the problem.

Initiatives to help the vendors started acting immediately and so, thanks to them you can help people who have stayed without the opportunity to sell and get some traditional Czech products.

“Distance Christmas Markets”

A great way is to join the Facebook group Distanční Vánoční trhy 2021 where vendors share posts with their crafted items usually with links to their e-shops or at least some contact info. Don’t be shy just because the text is in Czech, lots of people speak English.

Other great groups with the same purpose is Vánoční trhy online (Online Christmas Markets) and Adventní trhy 2021 (Advent Markets 2021).

What can you find here? Beautiful ceramics – decoration as well as kitchenware, folkloric items such as drawings or embroidered clothing, homemade syrups, soaps and marmalades, Christmas decoration, advent wreaths, sewn articles, cookies and much much more.


I would like to point out several vendors that have caught my eye although I recommend joining the group because there are many more who deserve your attention.


Talented South-Moravian folk artist who creates folkloric embroidery and stunning drawings. You can find her e-shop here or contact her via personal message on her facebook page where she also accepts orders.

Her newest addition is a 2022 calendar full of drawings of Czech traditions, it will be added to the e-shop shortly.








Beautiful handcrafted wooden kitchenware and decoration, that’s what you’ll find in Viktorovo.

Visit the facebook page here.






Svíčky z hor/Candls from the Mountains

Handcrafted candles for Christmas, relax or any occasion you want. Support these two young women, visit their e-shop here.








Homemade Herbal syrups

Homemade syrups from the meadows and gardens far away from any industrial production. Support this family business by shopping here.








Semeleme dolls, toys and decorations

Semeleme is an initiative supporting a local village school. They sell fabric dolls, wooden toys, books….look here to browse in their e-shop.






Ceramics by Andee

Andee is a one-woman business. This artists makes clay decoration, candle stands, bowls and more. Her style is just…dreamy. So check out her work and e-shop here.








Mugs by the Klubko Workshop

Mugs by the Klubko workshop are original and they are made with the objective to make you remember your childhood. Klubko is a small atelier and you can check out their work here.







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